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Lunch Break Stretch & Relax
Get in touch with us!
Take a break with Janna!
When: Wednesday, 11th October 12:30 -13:15
Where: Denizen Eiswerk
Do you get a stiff neck or sore lower back from working at your laptop all day? Do busy thoughts pile up and you have trouble concentrating?
Give your body and mind a much-needed break during this 45 min no-sweat Stretch & Relax session.
I will guide you through simple stretches and flows that target your neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs to relax tension and bring healthy blood flow to all areas of your body. We’ll end with a short 10 min meditation to bring focus back for the rest of your workday.
Come as you are – yoga mats & props will be provided at the self-care studio.
You're free to cancel at any point. Just please let us know, so that we can better plan the evening.